Nantucket Public School’s STEM Curriculum

Ribbon cutting ceremony at NPS library featuring the weather station monitor and some of our gifted books.

The Foundation has proudly funded several educational endeavors so far for Nantucket students of all ages attending Nantucket Public Schools. We support science oriented field trips, including trips to the New England Aquarium for 4th graders. We partnered with NPS librarians to support their libraries through the purchase of new educational science books.

The external weather sensors and camera on the roof-mounted weather station.

The Foundation has also gifted a weather station that has been installed on the school roof that is utilized by students and teachers alike. The weather station allows Nantucket Public Schools to contribute to a network of data collection across the country.  In addition to being able to access current conditions, it is keeping a historical record that we will be able to access.  The data will be used to support our Earth/Space Science standards across all the schools.  In kindergarten, students explore: "How can we prepare for the weather".  In third grade, students explore: "How do weather and climate affect our lives?".  In eighth grade, students explore: "Why does a lot of hail, rain, or snow fall at some times and not others?"  At the high school level, students explore weather within the Environmental Science and Marine Science courses.

GHYCF Board Members and Scientific Advisors receiving a demonstration on the weather station’s functionality


A Second Phytoplankton Photobioreactor for Brant Point Shellfish Hatchery


Community Outreach