You can make a difference
Support the health of Nantucket Harbor
Donate today.
All contributions go directly to support our mission to promote and preserve the health of Nantucket Harbor and its marine ecosystems through meaningful funding and initiatives.
Youth Harbor
Education Program
Every summer we host a week-long educational program focusing on topics relevant to the marine ecosystem of Nantucket Harbor. This is done in partnership with many educators and facilitators from the local scientific community
Health of the Harbor Scorecard
A partnership with the
Town of Nantucket.
With the TON NRD and scientific advisors, we produced the first ever visual scorecard to raise awareness of harbor health. This scorecard will be produced biannually to show changes over time.
Other Ways to Give
Send check (payable to Great Harbor Yacht Club Foundation) to: Great Harbor Yacht Club Foundation | 96 Washington St. | Nantucket, MA 02554
Please click here to request detailed wiring instructions and account information
Gifts of appreciated securities have a double benefit for the donor. The security’s full market value is tax-deductible and, if the securities have appreciated in value, capital gains taxation may also be avoided. For instructions, e-mail
Please also consider any corporate matching gift program available to you