Shellfish and Eelgrass Management Plan

The goals of this plan are:

  • Build an inventory of existing eelgrass and shellfish populations, sentinel monitoring stations, and develop a restoration plan

  • Protect existing eelgrass and future degradation through adopting regulations that will guide resource managers

  • Advance our understanding of eelgrass populations on Nantucket

  • Restore and increase the abundance of eelgrass

Next steps:

  • Continue eelgrass and shellfish surveys/ monitoring in Nantucket Harbor and expand survey territory

  • Create an eelgrass working group to further develop restoration metrics, identify funding, an identify and prioritize action items to further develop the Eelgrass Management Plan

  • Support existing eelgrass and shellfish restoration initiatives


Pocomo Point Runoff Control


Sediment Transport and Dredge Plan